• Remove the functions that use the INEGI API since it doesn’t work anymore
  • Switches Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 in the pkgdown website
  • Fixes the municipios examaples to use the df_mxmunicipio_2020 data.frame and avoid the missing municipios warning
  • Adds auto_contrast option to mxhexbin_choropleth

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixes the zoom argument of mxmunicipio_leaflet and mxstate_leaflet so that municipios/states that aren’t zoomed to are not shown on the map

New feature

  • New argument to mxhexbin_choropleth called shadow_color to add a background shadow to the state abbreviation labels

New features

  • Maps are now based on those of the 2020 Mexican Census
  • New data frames df_mxmunicipio_2020 and df_mxstate_2020 with population data from the 2020 Census
  • New data.frames df_mxmunicipio_1990_2010 and df_mxstate_1990_2010 with population data from the 1990-2010 censuses and conteos
  • Alias the df_mxmunicipio and df_mxstate data.frames to df_mxmunicipio_2015 and df_mxstate_2015 to indicate the year their data is from
  • Changed the versioning scheme to include the year the shapefiles the maps are based on were published

New features

  • Change the progress bar used when downloading from the INEGI API since progress_estimated() from the dplyr package was deprecated

New features

  • Reintroduces choropleth_inegi() and hexbin_inegi() as they now work with the INEGI API v2

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Removes all the functions that depend on inegiR

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Adds mapproj to imports
  • Removes INEGI API documentation since it doesn’t work anymore

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Require choroplethr 3.6.3 to fix a ggplot2 incompatibility

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Require specific versions of ggplot and choroplethr to fix a bug when used with old versions

Bug fixes and improvements

New features

  • latitude and longitude of the head locality of each municipio added to the df_mxmunicipio data.frame